
How do I go back to an earlier version of 2Do?

You can’t and most importantly - you don’t want to. Seriously.

Myth: We’ve removed functionality that our users were used to in v2 and made it worse!
Fact: No core functionality has been removed, let alone reduced. Instead, everything’s been improved upon, made flexible and much, much more powerful. You just need to learn what’s these changes are.

We spent over a year developing v3 and it’s been tested by over 1,600 veteran 2Do users. Yes, although there is a lot of new stuff, none of the old core functionality has been removed. In fact, everything’s a lot better in every way imaginable. We only ask that you give it 5 minutes of your time to learn what’s new.

If you wish to install a previous version, you’re either confused about how certain things are done in this new update, or where certain things are located and so on so forth. None of this is your fault. 2Do v3 really was developed from scratch as a brand new app, with the aim of keeping old functionality intact whilst improving it manyfold. 

Please browse through our KB to see if you find the answer to your question(s). If not, please write to us and we’ll be more than happy to help.
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