Syncing - Toodledo Articles RSS Feed
Which sync method should I use?
Viewed 272,517.00 times since Tue, May 21, 2013
TLDR; Dropbox is the recommended sync method. 2Do supports synchronization between multiple Macs, iOS and Android devices running a copy of the app. With sync set up, your lists and tasks will appear on all devices without any extra effort on your... Read More
How do I setup sync with Toodledo?
Viewed 31,783.00 times since Wed, Feb 24, 2010
Launch 2Do Tap 'Sync' Tap 'Setup' at the top left corner Tap 'Sync Method: Mac / PC' Select 'Toodledo' Enter Toodledo user name and password in provided fields It should now take you back to the Sync view with a 'Ready to Sync' message Read More
When syncing: Replace Server Data or Replace 2Do data?
Viewed 26,541.00 times since Sun, Nov 4, 2012
The first time you sync 2Do on a device by whichever sync  method you have chosen, you will be asked to specify if you wish to "Replace Server Data” or "Replace 2Do Data.”  In this context, "Server” refers to the service... Read More
2Do not syncing properly in the background
Viewed 21,639.00 times since Fri, Sep 27, 2013
NOTE: If you have a habit of force quitting apps or use 3rd party apps that force quit apps (by 'cleaning memory'), 2Do will NOT sync in the background! Apps that are force quit manually, do not automatically launch in the background by design. iOS... Read More
Projects and Checklists with subtasks turn into flattened lists
Viewed 14,879.00 times since Sat, Jul 9, 2011
Projects and Checklists with sub-task from 2Do will turn into a flattened list of tasks when syncing against the Free Toodledo account. You will need a Toodledo Pro account if you wish to maintain the Project/sub-task hierarchy. If you are however... Read More
I can't find contexts or goals from my Toodledo account in 2Do
Viewed 14,410.00 times since Wed, Feb 24, 2010
2Do does not support syncing Contexts or Goals with Toodledo. This isn't currently planned however we'll see what we can do in coming updates. As mentioned elsewhere, 2Do is not meant to be a 'true' GTD app that follows a single guideline on how to... Read More
Can I synchronize Toodledo Contexts as 2Do Tabs instead of Folders?
Viewed 14,042.00 times since Sun, Apr 4, 2010
Yes. This option was added to 2Do v1.2.5.  Simply switch Folders to Contexts from 2Do->Settings->Sync->Synchronize Tabs as ... Read More
I just lost my lists on some of my devices, while lists on one device won’t sync to the rest
Viewed 12,286.00 times since Tue, Aug 5, 2014
First thing - don't panic. 2Do has an awesome 'auto backup' feature for the rare scenarios where you've lost your data during or after sync. This should never happen in the first place, but there are situations where a deliberate action can result in... Read More
One of my devices isn’t syncing correctly, it has a different task count than the rest
Viewed 12,082.00 times since Mon, Mar 2, 2015
99.9% of the times, your settings between devices may be the culprit. If, for exampe, you're seeing overdue tasks on the iPad and only tasks today on the iPhone, your setting for "Settings > Appearance > Include Overdue Tasks" is probably ON on one... Read More
How can I delete the Toodledo list tab?
Viewed 11,476.00 times since Wed, Feb 24, 2010
If you have synced with Toodledo, you might have noticed a new tab created in 2Do by the name 'Toodledo'. This tab cannot be deleted for safety reasons. Any task that does not belong to a folder in Toodledo will reside here. If you do not wish to... Read More
I continuely get a "Could not retrieve info from the server please try again later" message
Viewed 9,371.00 times since Wed, Feb 24, 2010
Please email us 2Do's diagnostic logs (from 2Do->Settings->Email Diagnostic Report). If it continues giving you the same error usually during 'Gathering Toodledo Data...' then chances are something in Toodledo's data is corrupt. When this happens,... Read More
My Toodledo login is not working. App says check login or password but they’re correctly entered.
Viewed 6,481.00 times since Mon, Aug 3, 2015
Toodledo rate limits login attempts. If it detects that the login was incorrectly entered a couple or so times, it will make you wait for an hour before you can try again. So while entering the password in 2Do if you got it wrong a couple of times,... Read More
Multiple locations assigned to a task are replaced by a single location when syncing with Toodledo
Viewed 5,044.00 times since Sat, Dec 29, 2012
Toodledo only supports a single location assigned to a task at any given time. You will thus lose your assignment of multiple locations if you're syncing with Toodledo. If you do not otherwise depend on Toodledo, syncing using the Dropbox option... Read More
I see ’Too many logins’ failure when syncing with Toodledo
Viewed 4,858.00 times since Thu, Nov 12, 2015
NOTE: In addition to the points below, this error will also constantly show if you have blocked 2Do access to your account. To check and enable, please log into toodledo.com, and then under Account Settings, click on "Externally Syncing Apps" and... Read More