
Preferences and settings don’t seem to stick, they reset when I relaunch the app

The first thing you should try is simply restarting your Mac. This appears to be a random issue affecting Yosemite users in general.

This can usually also happens if the preferences file was saved with incorrect permissions. A number of things you can try:

1. Open Terminal.app. Type:
  cd ~/Library/Containers/com.guidedways.TodoMac/Data/Library/Preferences/
  open .

2. Find and right click on the file com.guidedways.TodoMac.plist and click ’Get Info’. Check:
  • Does the bottom of the dialog show that you can "Read & Write"? If not, unlock the settings for the file and change setting to Read & Write
  • In the General section, is the box labeled "Locked" checked? If so, uncheck it.

If the file does not exist, please try rebooting your machine.

If all fails, you can try deleting the Group Container for 2Do (which will also delete the database file - best to create a back up first). Try deleting the following two folders:

~/Library/Group Containers/EKT6323JY3.com.guidedways

We would recommend you reboot your mac after doing this before relaunching the app.
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