
Watch 2Do in Action

For all our existing and new users alike, we’re happy to announce that 2Do for Apple Watch is ready. As you all are probably aware, Apple Watch will be available to pre-order starting the 10th of April and should be in your hands on the 24th. We’ve made sure you’ve got one more reason to buy that watch!

2Do for Apple Watch is going to be a natural extension to the app on your iPhone, iPad and Mac. If you happen to be aware of the subtleties and limitations involved in developing for Apple Watch, you’d appreciate that we went all-out on getting this ready for you. Instead of dumbing down the app in the spirit of we wanted to keep it simple, our team took up the challenge and developed a truly remarkable companion app – one that you’ll actually want to use.

2Do on the Watch will give you direct access to all your popular lists, including a hand-picked list. This could be anything from a simple list to a Smart List built around a complex set of rules. You’ll immediately be able to familiarize yourself with the task list layout, as it has been designed to resemble the main app. Additional information regarding dates and times will be displayed where possible. If you’ve got the habit of organizing your tasks into projects and checklists, 2Do’s got you covered. It’ll let you dig deeper into the list hierarchy and access all your sub-tasks, so you’ll never have to take out your phone again when shopping… unless of course you want to.

We didn’t leave the task details screen out either. At a glance you’ll get all the relevant details assigned to the task, such as start dates and due dates, durations, tags, locations or actions; and a simple swipe to the left takes you to all your notes. Beautiful.

You’ll also have the option to schedule or delete your tasks directly from this screen.

2Do for Apple Watch will be making its way through the App Store and onto your wrists as soon as Apple begins accepting 3rd party apps, which we’re hoping will be around the launch date: 24th of April, 2015.

Advanced Search

2Do boasts the most powerful search engine on the App Store. Combined with the power of dynamic Smart Lists (a.k.a Saved Searches) you can create highly specific filters that match your needs.

Searching for Actions, Task Types, & Task Attributes

You can use any of the following reserved search keywords (without quotes) to filter on specific tasks. This is extremely useful when combined with dynamic Smart Search Lists. You could, for example, create a smart list on the term ‘type:audio’ and quickly navigate to all tasks with Audio notes without hunting through a long list (and without the need of changing sort options).

  • “type: action” – will return all tasks with any action set
  • “type: call” – will return all tasks with a Call action
  • “type: sms” – will return all tasks with a SMS action
  • “type: email” – will return all tasks with an Email action
  • “type: browse” – will return all tasks with a URL action
  • “type: visit” – will return all tasks with a Visit action
  • “type: google” – will return all tasks with a Google Search action
  • “type: audio” – will return all tasks with an Audio file
  • “type: pict” – will return all tasks with a Picture attachment
  • “type: note” – will return all tasks with notes
  • “type: proj” – will return all projects
  • “type: chck” – will return all checklists
  • “type: task” – will return all tasks (not checklists or projects)
  • “type: hiprio” – will return all high-priority tasks
  • “type: medprio” – will return all medium-priority tasks
  • “type: lowprio” – will return all low-priority tasks
  • “type: repeat” – will return all recurring tasks
  • “type: overdue” – will return all overdue tasks
  • “type: tomorrow” – will return all tasks due tomorrow
  • “type: today” – will return all tasks due today
  • “type: donetoday” will return all tasks that were completed today

Searching for Tags

To look for tasks with the tags ‘home’ and ‘work’, you can type the following in the search field:

tags: home, work

To filter on all tasks that have at least one tag set, type the following:

tags: ?

Or to filter on all tasks without tags, you would type:
tags: ~


The Soundex Search capability of 2Do is perhaps the most understated, probably because no other application offers anything like it.

When taking notes, synchronizing tasks from an external source, or adding quick ToDos, one doesn’t always remember how one spelled a particular name, a place or the not-so-obvious spelling mistakes one made. That should be the least of one’s worries.

Thankfully with Soundex (which is ON by default and can be switched OFF) you don’t need to worry about all this when searching through your tasks. Soundex matches on similar sounding words (thus the name), which is what you want when looking through ToDos and their associated Notes, Tags etc.

URL Schemes in iOS and OS X

URL schemes allows apps to interact with other apps and pass certain information to them. 2Do v2.8.33 (iOS) and 2Do v1.5 (Mac) and above support the following URL schemes and actions: [···]

Use Siri to add reminders to 2Do

2Do supports synchronising with CalDAV calendars such as iCloud, MobileMe, Yahoo! Calendar and self-hosted iCal / OS X Servers. The built-in Reminders app on iOS 5 in fact does something similar; it synchronizes directly with iCloud.

So if you have 2Do setup to sync with iCloud (2Do->Settings->Sync->Sync Method->Calendar Server (CalDAV)->iCloud), you will in effect be able to sync with the Reminders app. To create a reminder in 2Do using Siri you essentially:

  1. Create a reminder using Siri e.g. “Remind me to leave a review on iTunes for 2Do at noon today”
  2. Launch 2Do and tap Sync
  3. Voila. Your newly created task using Siri will now appear in 2Do

If you’ve got multiple calendars (Home, Work, Someday etc) and wish to decide where to create the reminder when using Siri, simply instruct “Add this to my ‘Work’ list’ when it asks you to confirm (i.e. when it says “Here’s your reminder… Shall I create it?”)