I archived a list but can’t see it in the Archived section in Preferences

When you archive a list, it hides away and gets listed under Preferences > Security > Archived.

If you wish to unarchive the list or wish to simply check which lists you’ve archived over time, you need to go back into Preferences > Security and click on "Archived". There, notice at the bottom left of the screen it says "Click the lock to make changes". If you haven’t already setup a security password, go back to "Security" and setup a pass-code which can then be used here. Once setup, you should be able to access your archived / hidden lists.

Article ID: 609
Created On: Sat, Nov 2, 2013 at 2:18 PM
Last Updated On: Sat, Nov 2, 2013 at 2:18 PM

Online URL: https://www.2doapp.com/kb/article/i-archived-a-list-but-can-t-see-it-in-the-archived-section-in-preferences.html